Music Education in Continuity and Breakthrough: Historical Prospects and Current References in a European Context

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  • Druk: Słupsk, 2016

  • Redakcja naukowa: Friedhelm Brusniak, Jarosław Chaciński

  • Wydawca: Uniwersytet Pomorski w Słupsku

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    PDF (Watermark)
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Music Education in Continuity and Breakthrough: Historical Prospects and Current References in a European Context

On 16-18 October 2014, the Pomeranian University in Słupsk hosted an international conference entitled: “Music Education in Continuity and Breakthrough: Historical
Prospects and Current References in a European Context”. The main objective of the project was to initiate broad discussion on the historical origins of music education, and the ways in which it is reflected in the contemporary education systems of the Central European countries. The Institute of Music at the Pomeranian University in Słupsk entered into cooperation with several European universities, among which the German partner – the University of Würzburg – was the most important. The main representatives of both academic centres, who are also the editors of this selection of papers: Dr. Jarosław Chaciński and Prof. Friedhelm Brusniak, decided that the life, the teachings and the music activities of Eberhard Preussner (1899-1964), the Słupsk-born President of “Mozarteum” in Salzburg in the years 1959-1964, were an important premise for formulating the ideological assumptions of the conference. A refection on the richly detailed biography of this figure and his life-journey (from Słupsk through Berlin to Salzburg), as well as on the abundance of topics and the universal quality of music and teaching ideas since the beginning of the 20th century, triggers a number of stimuli to undertake broad-ranging dialogue about the value of cultivating and teaching musical arts (Ze Wstępu).

  • Kategorie:
    1. Ebooki i Audiobooki »
    2. Nauki humanistyczne »
    3. Sztuka
  • Redakcja: Friedhelm Brusniak, Jarosław Chaciński
  • Język wydania: angielski
  • ISBN: 978-83-7467-272-6
  • ISBN druku: 978-83-7467-272-6
  • Liczba stron: 290
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    Więcej informacji o publikacjach elektronicznych
Part I – Music Education in the Visegrád Group countries in the context of the socio-cultural development of societies   5

Introduction      7

The historical outline of educational ideals in Polish music pedagogy  15

Pedagogy of Sergiusz Hessen as applied philosophy of values and its importance for the modern aesthetic education    27

Leo Kestenberg and Eberhard Preussner from the perspective of Polish culture pedagogy and music education – similarities, differences and inspirations 37

Modern strategies for shaping of hearing in case of general education system children      59

Music education in early education classes – between aesthetic and praxial concept  77

Carl Orff’s system in Poland in theory and practice   91

The music pedagogy as the scientific discipline in the systematics of musicology 105

Between aesthetics of music and music pedagogy (on relationships and cooperation in Slovak musicology in the second half of the 20th century)  121

The legacy of the pianist Leo Kestenberg and the representatives of the Brno Piano School       131

Thirty years in school music teacher training among different circumstances. Life and work at the Music Department of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest 141

Musical activities and class climate at elementary school   153

Joachim Schwarz as a theologian, composer and a pedagogist  169

Krzysztof Olczak’s Rząpielnik – from the idea to the reception of the piece 191

Part II – The significance of Leo Kestenberg and Eberhard Preussner in the development of general and professional music education and the activation of
the amateur movement     207

Introduction      209

Eberhard Preußner and his role as collaborator and facilitator of Leo Kestenberg’s educational philosophy. The Prussian reforms in a European context 211

Plea for a revised perception of Kestenberg    221

“There were music textbooks published in the East which were certainly the best that ever existed” – traces of an undiscovered reception of Kestenberg from the immediate post-war period in the Soviet Zone / GDR   233

New perspectives of Kestenberg-research: the significance of “Chorgesangwesen” in the life and work of Leo Kestenberg (1882-1962)   247

Identity of music teachers in a diverse European context. Problems and challenges 257

Selected Literature      269
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